Hello and Welcome to the OFFICIAL 1029 web site.
I apologise for the unstructured layout of my site. I am relatively new to the idea of coding.
Members with suggestions, please send them to me privately on the staff forum.
If your question is not answered on this page, please feel free to contact me, the current leader (Andrew) or any of my colleagues at
What is your 'Way Of Thinking?' - 1029. 1029 (also known as opened consciousness) can mean different things for different people. However I have a general definition of the term 1029 that can be found HERE.
How did you discover this 'Way Of Thinking?' - I was enlightened to my current state of being when I was in my early teenage years, around 2006. I struggled a lot with depression , and unfortunately still do, however thanks to the opening of my consciousness i have been slowly HEALING my brainspace. Admittedly it took months to master the skills I have learnt, but I can say with my whole heart that it has been more than worth it in the end.
Can I also open my mind? - Yes. Unfortunately, due to unwanted scrutiny only people who have been INVITED into 1029 may gain entry. This group is not for simply anyone to join.
I don't want to join 1029, but I would still like to know details about it. Can I access members-only pages? - No. No questions or queries regarding private information or how to access this data will be answered via any contact through our helpdesk or FAQ emails. Non-public information will not be distributed here.
What information do you collect? - For more information on how we store our data and what data you are able to access depending on your rank/status, please see the document labeled Data Containment and Classification Information in our How We Operate section.
Is 1029 a 'cult'? - NO. 1029 never was and never will be anything like a cult. We are a group, a gathering, a family. People with opened consciousnesses are not immoral, nor do we wish harm on any of those who do not seek to open their minds. We are a group that studies the inner workings of a recently discovered portion of our brains, called the "mindscape". We teach how to physically access it and travel amongst it. 1029 offers true happiness and peace for those who want it. 1029 is helping like-minded individuals to open up the inner realms of their minds.
That is our only goal.
This site remains the property of Group 1029, created and maintained by Andrew and Felix. Last Updated Jan 3, 2023.